Meeta - Southampton Yoga

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Yoga classes in Southampton

Yoga that makes the Impossible - Possible!

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Yoga in Southampton

Yin yoga with Meeta

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Yin Yoga classes

Open yourself up with this intense, yet gentle, slow-burner of a class - which is entirely floor-based.

Meeta's Yin yoga classes bring your attention to your more open, introspective, intuitive self - the yin side of your energy.

In this therapeutic class, you'll hold the postures for between 3 and 5 minutes. You might find that the focus is on shoulders, helping you walk straighter and taller, with a prouder chest. Or you might be working on hips, groin and hamstrings, offering an antidote to a sedentary or highly active lifestyle - both of which can make you feel tight.

You'll be given props like blocks, bolsters and belts to assist with your deep dives into each posture - and if you're lucky, Meeta will give you a helping hand or foot to help you find your edge!


  • more confidence in your body and what it can do
  • restorative and stress-relieving
  • eases tension and stiffness
  • great for beginners
  • great for runners, cyclists and weightlifters who want to open up tight bodies and achieve personal bests
  • suitable for pregnancy - but listen to your body

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